Sunday, June 28, 2009


This is Mount Nebo. Conquered. Ryan and I started our trip about 7:30 Friday night. We hiked about two hours or so with good light, and then proceeded to conquer on by flashlight, crossing treacherous snow fields, losing the trail, finding it again, and finally setting up camp and eating dinner at about 11:30 on a ridge at 9,500 feet. Pictures 6 and 7 demonstrate the view from my sleeping bag at about 6:05 the following morning. Then we hiked three miles to the south summit without packs and returned home. Epic.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

In Case You Missed It...

Classes are over. Done. Last exam was Thursday. Now I'm taking my first break from scholastic endeavor since last September, and I feel entirely un-guilty. Now, the guilt from not getting A's in my classes this semester... well we'll just have to blame work and partying. I still believe my priorities are in the right place...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

So! I've been telling people that I'm in the Mechanical Engineering program, but that technically wasn't true until Friday when this came in the mail:

I'd say something about my supreme awesomeness, but fortunately about 85% of applicants make it in, sooooo....

Monday, June 1, 2009

No Trespassing

Went running today. In the rain. Randomly found some sweet foothill trails within half a mile of home. Got really excited about them, decided to get a mountain bike. Was formulating a training regimen that included trail riding at 7am. Whole life plan was solidifying. Everything seemed right with the world. Then I came across something that looked like this:

My heart sank. Maybe I'll get a road bike after all...