Thursday, October 15, 2009

MuteMath > Las Vegas

On October 13th MuteMath (a band which probably few if any of you know) came to Las Vegas, NV, the closest to Provo, UT they would get on their tour. True to form, Scott, his friend Chris, Ryan and I recklessly intercepted them that night, arriving around 6:00pm and leaving about 11:00pm. I left that experience with two radically different truths:
1. I hate Las Vegas. Three reasons:
- Fake Roman architecture.
- Being offered fliers for strip clubs on every corner.
- Working through drunk crowds.
2. I love MuteMath. Three reasons:
- Real (awesome) music.
- They didn't strip. Or even swear.
- They worked the crowd:

And yes, that is the drummer crowd-surfing on top of his tom drum (and yes, that is video from my phone - no cameras were allowed). I failed to get video of the frontman doing hand stands and back flips over his keyboard. Or the bassist playing an upright bass. Or the drummer playing with three sticks in each hand. Or the psychedelic jam sessions. It was, without a doubt, the awesomest, most triumphant show I have ever seen.

And that includes Radiohead.


  1. Lest we judge too harshly, I will kindly point out all my homework for the following day was done BEFORE leaving. We may be reckless, but we are still studious.

  2. Oh, wow. I have heard of them. You see, my friend in the library told me all about them and their concert.........

  3. Hold on. Better than Radiohead AND Grizzly Bear in the pit? Surely not.

  4. It looks like a very fun show! I agree with you about Vegas 100%.

    Oh, and going to class is highly overrated.

  5. Don't listen to your sister. Our money is a terrible thing to waste. :-)
