Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One Small Step For Sam...

Today I bought, cooked and ate rice. Never mind that on top of the rice was orange chicken that came out of a bag that came out of a freezer. Just realize that I may (possibly) have crossed the threshold of hating frozen burritos enough to prefer a (relatively) laborious cooking process to the microwave.

Don't hold your breath, though.


  1. Nicely done! Broadening your cullinary repertoire is never a bad thing. Who knows? Maybe boiling an egg next?!

  2. Congrats! Maybe next year for Christmas we'll get you a rice maker. Then you don't even have to work to make rice.

  3. I've always appreciated that Dad wasn't afraid of a pot or a stove. There is a delicious and not all-that-hard world beyond frozen burritos.
