Feb, 2010: Wifi card stops working.
March: Screen starts to die.
May: Laptop mailed in, returned with wifi good, screen bad
June-July: Laptop mailed in again, returned with screen better... then bad.
October: Screen dies completely
Another box is requested.
Mid October: Box never arrives.
Late October: Sony calls about box. I kindly tell them to stuff it.
November: Bring laptop to local repair place. Technician confident in cheap fix.
Late November: After three weeks I call. Finally told that to fix will cost $500 bucks (??). Try to charge a $50 diagnosis fee (for a diagnosis I gave them). I kindly tell them to stuff it.
December: Call Sony for box.
Mid December: Call because box hasn't arrived - "Oh, yeah,
sorry, we'll send it right away. Yes, that's the address we have."
Mid December: "Oh, right, no we'll send it this time for sure."
January 5th, 2010: "Oh........ um...... yeah......
We've been sending boxes to Alaska."
Januray 10th:
Now was that so hard?
to be continued....