Thursday, April 2, 2009

Why Skipping Is Good

So! Today I went to the Capstone project fair for seniors in mechanical engineering (and skipped class to do it). First of all, you should know that I've been kind of totally doubting the wisdom of my choice in major due to some intense math and physics classes which are, for the first time I can remember, thoroughly kicking my butt due to content and not only because of my own laziness (study OUTSIDE of class? I don't understand...). Capstone, if you don't know, is a program where real companies with real problems give these problems to BYU students and give them real money to solve them. Anyway, first I ran into Mark III and his presentation - which seemed way cooler than most of the other projects, by the way - and continued in a tour of the 27 or so other booths. They were all awesome, from cutting down powder loss in a chemical plant to designing and producing bio-degradable biohazard containers for medical tools. Or designing an aerodynamic nose attachment for trains that can (and will) save Union Pacific 180 million dollars a year in diesel. You get the point, which is that I was convinced that this is the coolest major ever.

And now I must sleep so I can do 3 hours of physics homework tomorrow morning.


  1. See - good things CAN come to those who don't always attend class :) I'm happy to hear that you're back to loving your major too.

  2. Don't worry. Colin often wonders why he chose engineering as his major. That's why we have a backup plan: moving to Uzbekistan and selling hand-knit socks...but that kind of makes the engineering path look more it works out well.
