Saturday, January 31, 2009

Polar Bitanic

Last night about 12 am Ryan, Chandra and I realized we needed to go hiking today. So! we did. Fortunately for you, enthralled reader, I brought my camera. We went to something or other falls south of Timp, near Sundance Resort. Four mile round trip, trail beaten down enough we didn't need snowshoes.

An Avalanche!

Intrepid Explorers!

My Favorite (the little guy in the corner is Ryan)

And for those who think I'm wasting my precious time adventuring, I will have you know I took a test this very morning before embarking. HA!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Be Jealous...

We went night skiing last night for 24 bucks at Brighton and I felt like bragging about it. HA! It was too cold for me to take the camera out while on the slopes. If you can't tell, we had way too much fun.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Book Report

As previously promised, I have read "History of Joseph Smith" by Luck Mack, and will now report. First, I read it in less than 48 hours, which is, incidentally, faster than I have read most Harry Potter books (though it was only 330+ pages). Second, that is amazing, since it was nonfiction. Third, the BOOK was amazing. Fourth, I argue it is difficult to understand Church history until you have read it, or a book similar in character (namely, first person contemporary narrative).
Anyways, by reading the history of the early Church through someone who was actually there, I now have a much deeper appreciation for what Joseph Smith and his family went through, what it meant to start this new dispensation, and how amazing it is that the Church survived. All the stories you hear as a kid were finally put into perspective, and it made them much more meaningful.
The only thing that was disappointing was the lack of detail after about 1832. Otherwise, it was reaaaally cool. Ok, enough said. Remember, don't take my word for it...
(note: the picture is not the edition I read. I read the 1979 edition. They are all slightly different.)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

So this is the new year...

So! Today is January 22nd, which means we are almost a month into the new year. Yup. It also means that I am in trouble, because I made a commitment (goal, resolution, call it what you will) to read at least one good book every month, and I haven't started. So I have formed a plan. On recommendation by a friend, I will check out from the BYU (Provo didn't have it) Library "History of Joseph Smith by his Mother". Then I will read it. Then I will report on this very blog before Feb 1. Any questions?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Best Friends Forever

How do I win friendship, you ask?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pandora's iPod

I'm the type of person that can only listen to a song X times before it loses all entertainment value. I also hate the radio. And I never bother to steal people's music. SO! I started using the nifty internet thing in conjunction with Pandora radio (which, by the way, lets say whether you like a song it is playing or not, thereby defining what will and will not be played on your station). SO! I feel a knack for classical, I throw in a composer and it spits out classical. I say "Radiohead" and it spews wierd bands. Etc, Etc. Strangely, however, even on stations that start out with random artists like "Zoe Keating" (cellist) I get back Radiohead. I'm starting to suspect that Pandora knows me better than I know myself.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Motives for this reckless blog!

Why why why?
1. I realized that I am terrible at taking pictures and need a current reason to take them.
2. I need to write a better journal. Could this help?
3. Spare time needs an outlet more productive than trawling Saturday Night Live clips...
4. How could the internet survive without me? ummmmm
5. Why not?