Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Lazy Sunday

So! I just took a two hour nap, ate some lunch, and realized I had some time with nothing to do. So why not write a blog? I says to myself. About what? I replied, you haven't taken any pictures lately, and nobody likes reading. Well, that's not the point, is it, was my retort. So I sets myself to thinking, and I started making a list of things (which I can remember) I've done in the last two weeks (in no particular order).
1. Finished my Materials Science 250 project
2. Wrote a Pulitzer prize worthy Spanish composition
3. Went to a Mae concert
4. Bought a "Barcelona" CD, an opening act
5. Threw a picnic
6. Read a book (Michael Chrichton)
7. Got a hair cut (finally)
8. Went to the Temple
9. Played Soccer
10. Played Ultimate
11. Played Volleyball
12. Went on a date (finally)
13. Cleaned apartments
14. Cleaned more apartments
15. Got sick of cleaning apartments
16. Got some digits ;)
17. Went swimming
18. Celebrated Grandpa's 90th birthday
19. Cleaned the kitchen
20. Bought music from iTunes
21. Laughed for two hours straight at IHOP
22. Got free food at a barbeque
23. Got more free food at another
24. Watched way too many movies
25. Got a headache from too many movies
Realized that summer life is pretty awesome.


  1. From a mother perspective, not a bad list, including a date and the temple. Summer is sweet! We are having a great time in Leonardtown playing with Uncle Mark's toys and eating their food and playing with Kathleen and Sophia.

  2. And I thought you were just playing around. Sounds like a good summer so far, and I'll admit, a lot more appealing than Raleigh would have been.
