Sunday, March 15, 2009

Story/Bragging Time

First, story time. Thursday night Ryan and I realized that Friday night would be a great night to go backpacking. Full moon, not too cold, hadn't snowed in days, we didn't have dates, etc, etc. We chose a location, got everything ready, and set out. However, one of our key assumptions, that someone would have hiked the trail before us since the last snow, was false. Therefore, we got to a dead end where preceding on would have likely caused some sort of catastrophic avalanche, and therefore turned back. Our disappointment ruined our desire to sleep outside, so we came back and went ice skating with some friends instead.

Next, the bragging part. So! Ryan and I had previously signed up and paid for the Rex Lee Run, a cancer fundraiser for BYU. Also a 5k. Like, 3.1 miles. Like, something I've sworn off since four years of cross country convinced me that running is evil. So my plan was to take it easy, don't hurt myself, try not to bring back painful memories. Then someone gave me a goal to run it in less that 22 minutes. So, foolishly, I kind of went crazy. And posted my second best 5k time. Ever. Which is more of a reflection on my mediocrity during High School than my current awesomeness. Anyways, if you don't believe me, look up 86th place.
Take that, cancer!

File Photograph (you won't find me).

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